Saturday, November 27, 2021

History repeats itself essay

History repeats itself essay

history repeats itself essay

Essay Option 5. It's said that history repeats itself. But what about other disciplines? Choose another field (chemistry, philosophy, etc.) and explain how it repeats itself. Explain how it repeats itself. —Inspired by Ori Brian, AB’ Essay Option 6 The history of cartography traces the development of cartography, or mapmaking technology, in human have been one of the most important human inventions for millennia, allowing humans to explain and navigate their way through the world Nov 21,  · Essay topic history repeats itself essay topic for the great gatsby the girl child essay words topic sentence examples for college essay. Essay on festivals of jammu and kashmir michel de montaigne essay pdf, when quoting a song in an essay essay on nari shakti in kannada essay on independence day points neighbour essay in english words

UChicago Supplemental Essay Questions | College Admissions

Haskell County, Kansas, lies in the southwest corner of the state, near Oklahoma and Colorado. In sod houses were still common, barely distinguishable from the treeless, dry prairie they were dug out of. It had history repeats itself essay cattle country—a now bankrupt ranch once handled 30, head—but Haskell farmers also raised hogs, which is one possible clue to the origin of the crisis that would terrorize the world that year.

Another clue is that the county sits on a major migratory flyway for 17 bird species, including sand hill cranes and mallards. Scientists today understand that bird influenza viruses, like human influenza viruses, can also infect hogs, and when a bird virus and a human virus infect the same pig cell, their different genes can be shuffled and exchanged like playing cards, resulting in a new, perhaps especially lethal, virus. Public Health Service. The report itself no longer exists, but it stands as the first recorded notice anywhere in the world of unusual influenza activity that year.

Eva Van Alstine is sick with pneumonia Ralph Lindeman is still quite sick Homer Moody has been reported quite sick Mrs J. Cox is very weak yet Ralph Mc- Connell has been quite sick this week Mertin, the young son of Ernest Elliot, is sick with pneumonia, Most everybody over the country is having lagrippe or pneumonia.

Several Haskell men who had been exposed to influenza went to Camp Funston, in central Kansas. Days later, history repeats itself essay, on March 4, the first soldier known to have influenza reported ill. The huge Army base was training men history repeats itself essay combat in World War I, and within two weeks 1, soldiers were admitted to the hospital, with thousands more sick in barracks.

Thirty-eight died, history repeats itself essay. Then, infected soldiers likely carried influenza from Funston to other Army camps in the States—24 of 36 large camps had outbreaks—sickening tens of thousands, before carrying the disease overseas.

Meanwhile, the disease spread into U. civilian communities. The influenza virus mutates rapidly, history repeats itself essay enough that the human immune system has difficulty recognizing and attacking it even from one season to the next. A pandemic occurs when an entirely new and virulent influenza virus, history repeats itself essay, which the immune system has not previously seen, history repeats itself essay, enters the population and spreads worldwide, history repeats itself essay.

Ordinary seasonal influenza viruses normally bind only to cells in the upper respiratory tract—the nose and throat—which is why they transmit easily. The pandemic virus infected history repeats itself essay in the upper respiratory tract, transmitting easily, but also deep in the lungs, damaging tissue and often leading to viral as well as bacterial pneumonias.

Although some researchers argue that the pandemic began elsewhere, in France in or China and Vietnam inmany other studies indicate a U. Wherever it began, the pandemic lasted just 15 months but was the deadliest disease outbreak in human history, killing between 50 million and history repeats itself essay people worldwide, according to the most widely cited analysis.

An exact global number is unlikely ever to be determined, given the lack of suitable records in much of the world at that time. The impact of the pandemic on the United States is sobering to contemplate: SomeAmericans died.

Today we worry about Ebola or Zika or MERS or other exotic pathogens, not a disease often confused with the common cold. This is a mistake. We are arguably as vulnerable—or more vulnerable—to another pandemic as we were in Earlier this year, upon leaving his history repeats itself essay as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom Frieden was asked what scared him the most, what kept him up at night.

Initially the pandemic set off few alarms, chiefly because in most places it rarely killed, despite the enormous numbers of people infected. Doctors in the British Grand Fleet, for example, admitted 10, sailors to sick bay in May and June, but only 4 died. and was everywhere of a mild form. Yet there were warnings, ominous ones.

Though few died in the spring, those who did were often healthy young adults—people whom influenza rarely kills. Here and there, history repeats itself essay, local outbreaks were not so mild.

At one French Army post of 1, soldiers, were hospitalized and 49 died—5 percent of that population of young men, dead. And some deaths in the first wave were overlooked because they were misdiagnosed, often as meningitis.

and has been throughout of a benign type. In fact, history repeats itself essay, it was more like a great tsunami that initially pulls water away from the shore—only to return in a towering, overwhelming surge. In August, the affliction resurfaced in Switzerland in a form so virulent that a U.

The hospital at Camp Devens, an Army training base 35 miles from Boston that teemed with 45, soldiers, could accommodate 1, patients. On September 1, it held On September 7, a soldier sent to the hospital delirious and screaming when touched was diagnosed with meningitis. The next day a dozen more men from his company were diagnosed with meningitis. But as more men fell ill, physicians changed the history repeats itself essay to influenza. occurred as an explosion.

Now, with hospital facilities overwhelmed, with doctors and nurses sick, with too few cafeteria workers to feed patients and staff, the hospital ceased accepting patients, no matter how ill, leaving thousands more sick and dying in barracks.

they very rapidly develop the most vicious type of Pneumonia that has ever been seen. It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes It is horrible We have been averaging about deaths per day For several days there were no coffins and the bodies piled up something fierce Before it ended, influenza was everywhere, from ice-bound Alaska to steaming Africa.

And this time it was lethal. The killing created its own horrors. Governments aggravated them, partly because of the war. For instance, the U.

military took roughly half of all physicians under 45—and most of the best ones. What proved even more deadly was the government policy toward the truth, history repeats itself essay. enter into the very fibre of national life. The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false.

or to urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production in this country of any thing or things necessary or essential to the prosecution of the war, history repeats itself essay. cries for peace, or belittles our effort to win the war. Against this background, while influenza bled into American life, public health officials, determined to keep morale up, began to lie. Early in September, a Navy ship from Boston carried influenza to Philadelphia, where the disease erupted in the Navy Yard.

No fatalities have been recorded. No concern whatever is felt. The next day two sailors died of influenza. The next day 14 sailors died—and the first civilian.

Each day the disease accelerated. Each day newspapers assured readers that influenza posed no danger. By September 26, influenza had spread across the country, and so many military training camps were beginning to look like Devens that the Army canceled its nationwide draft call.

Philadelphia had scheduled a big Liberty Loan parade for September Doctors urged Krusen to cancel it, fearful that hundreds of thousands jamming the route, crushing against each other for a better view, would spread disease. They convinced reporters to write stories about the danger.

But editors refused to run them, and refused to print letters from doctors. The incubation period of influenza is two to three days. In truth, nurses had no impact because none were available: Out of 3, urgent requests for nurses submitted to one dispatcher, only were provided.

There was plenty of cause. At its worst, history repeats itself essay, the epidemic in Philadelphia would kill people in one day. Priests drove horse-drawn carts down city streets, calling upon residents to bring out their dead; many were buried in mass graves. More than 12, Philadelphians died— nearly all of them in six weeks. Across the country, public officials were lying. Over a four-day period in October, the hospital at Camp Pike admitted 8, soldiers.

with influenza patients There is only death and destruction. People knew this was not the history repeats itself essay old thing, though. They knew because the numbers were staggering—in History repeats itself essay Antonio, 53 percent of the population got sick with influenza.

They knew because victims could die within hours of the first symptoms—horrific symptoms, not just aches and cyanosis but also a foamy blood coughed up from the lungs, and bleeding from the nose, ears and even eyes. And people knew because towns and cities ran out of coffins. People could believe nothing they were being told, so they feared everything, particularly the unknown.

THE SHINING - How History repeats Itself

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History essay - Research & Learning Online

history repeats itself essay

What is the purpose of a history essay? which is that they had fundamentally different conceptions about the nature of the alliance itself, and their roles within it. Lecturer's comment This paragraph repeats the point made earlier in the essay about why the alliance was important to the British. Delete it or move some of the Society itself began to disintegrate. In most disasters, people come together, help each other, as we saw recently with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. But in , without leadership, without the Nov 21,  · Essay topic history repeats itself essay topic for the great gatsby the girl child essay words topic sentence examples for college essay. Essay on festivals of jammu and kashmir michel de montaigne essay pdf, when quoting a song in an essay essay on nari shakti in kannada essay on independence day points neighbour essay in english words

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